We see a lot of color and a lot of happy children this summer. And we want your help to make this vision a reality.
Our 2023 wish list overflows with arts and crafts supplies – and also a few items that the Mint artists in the Creative Summer Jobs program will need. And it was updated in December to reflect needs for the coming year.
As we grow, we need more materials and supplies, and so this year, we have a big list online at Target. We chose Target because the retailer gives back and because it carries so many things we need. But if you prefer to buy items at Arts & Scraps or a garage sale, we welcome that too.
In 2023, our arts and crafts took place in Palmer Park, of course, and also Cool Cities Park, Rouge Park and Monroe Street Midway on Sunday afternoons. Check our events page for details. (We also will offer free crafts and/or coloring pages at several community events this summer and fall.)
Here’s the things we really need on this year’s wish list:
- sidewalk chalk
- 8 x 10 inch canvases, used for artist self portraits and more
- larger stretched canvases, especially 18 x 24 inches
- table easels and full-size easels
- paper towels
- child-friendly wipes, to clean up children’s and adults hands after crafts
- glitter glue
- water color paint kits
- acrylic paints, especially those in tubes or containers of 8 ounces or less
- gift certificates to Target, Meijer or Costco
- a coat tree, for fall and winter indoor activities
Mint also seeks children’s and youth books to share in the LIttle Free Library, beautifully painted by Mint’s Moumita Chawdhury. It’s outside our Mint Studios in Palmer Park, near the Splash Park. These may be placed directly in the little library, or dropped off with us, by appointment in the winter months. Demand really picks up in the late spring and summertime.
If buying these items seems too complicated or time consuming for you, then we invite you to donate a little or a lot to Mint Artists Guild. That too will create a more colorful and joyful year for many children and youth.