Summertime wish list: Give us mosaics and gift cards and more!

Mint is getting ready for a busy summer of art making – and free arts and crafts in Palmer Park. And as they say it takes a village, so we are asking our village to give us some supplies.  These all will be used by our teen artists for creative community art projects. Here’s our summertime wish list: Art supplies: …

Make the most of your job interview: Interview tips for emerging creatives

If you’re searching for a creative summer job, with Mint Artists or elsewhere, get ready for job interviews.   These may be nerve wracking or thought provoking, frustrating or fruitful. And they are generally one key to landing a job. There’s plenty of research and advice available on job search and job interviews, some of it written by me for Fortune …

Sounds sweet, looks beautiful: Mint at the DSO

Mint Artists Guild has reached another milestone:  A piece of our art now belongs in a major arts institution’s collection. Success sounds sweet after we donated a Paint Detroit with Generosity painting to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. The painting, created last year in the Mint Creative Summer Jobs program by worker Charles, will hang in the DSO’s new education wing. …

Help us create more good in Detroit

Give to Mint Artists’ spring campaign today so we may hire more youth. Mint Artists spring fundraiser underwrites a lot of good – good opportunities for Detroit youth, good summer jobs, good art that is donated to local nonprofits, good fun in our free Art in the Park arts and crafts in Palmer Park – and more. The fundraiser supports …

Summer jobs for creative youth

Summer job interviews are coming up with Mint Artists Guild!