Small Joys, big impact in 2024

Our success by the numbers 2024 includes Small Joys paintings at ArtPrize, children’s crafts and big gains in hiring youth.

More success tips for artists at art fairs

Develop your storytelling skills and create a sense of urgency to buy. Those techniques will build artists’ success at art fairs.

Productivity hacks from Mint Artists

Every summer, we teach productivity tools and techniques to young artists – and sometimes they teach those skills as well. We ask them their best productivity hacks in 2023 and heard some excellent ideas. Read these short productivity tips from our artists and summer workers – and please, add your own in a comment. “Start at an early time. Early …

Why you need to learn to brag – & create a brag book

Learning to brag about yourself takes time and practice but may help you land a new job or a raise. Start by creating a ‘brag book’ where you record your accomplishments.

Our year of creative growth – Mint’s many firsts and success by the numbers 2023

Our success is measured in youth growth and coloring pages as well as creative work for Detroit emerging artists. Read on.

Mermaids, business pitches and more creative firsts for Mint

Mint keeps growing and jumping into new activities. Here’s six more launched this summer.

A summer full of firsts for Mint

Learn about the half dozen or more firsts for Mint Artists Guild this summer and fall.

Blooming with creativity and generosity: Mint success statistics 2022

Mint Artists Guild is blooming with growth, and has broken records this year. Read more in our yearend By the numbers report.

Sell more art with these seven smart strategies

The global art market is growing robustly, with a record $65.1 billion in 2021 art sales by dealers and auctions. Women artists in particular are experiencing strong sales, according to a Bank of America report on the art market. And with the gift giving season upon us, artists are looking for ways to connect with buyers – some of whom …

Model, photographer and business woman, meet Mint’s new intern Tyesha McLean

Mint intern Tyesha McLean is on a journey of self love and growth.