Mint’s big wish list for 2021

UPDATED SEPT. 15 Mint is planning for a big, beautiful year, and we hired 20 youth over the summer, and offered  working with us and So our wish list for this year is big and beautiful too. It includes art supplies used up for the Mint Creative Summer Jobs program, craft supplies for our arts and crafts and and some …

The big, beautiful value of our volunteers – and volunteering

Volunteering makes the nonprofit world go around. Its value and impact may be measured in dollars, creative activities – and lives changed. Mint Artists Guild relies on volunteers to allow our small but mighty nonprofit grow many many opportunities for creative youth and children. During National Volunteer Week, we sing the praise of our volunteers. Two volunteers helped us create …

Generosity All Around: Mint gives back in Detroit during a tough pandemic year

“Not being able to do everything is no excuse for not doing everything you can.” – artist, cartoonist and author Ashleigh Brilliant [space_20] This year, as the world shut down, slowed down and took stock, Mint Artists Guild embraced the strength and beauty of generosity. We knew it would be a tough year for children and youth in Detroit, with …

How we are adapting our holiday shopping this year

[space_20] Your holidays are going to be different this year, and so are ours.  Yet we hope you still will celebrate and give creative gifts, some from Mint’s creative Detroit youth. We know you’re buying more of them online. This move to online purchases has accelerated since the pandemic started in the U.S. and also in Brazil, South Africa, Turkey …

Why we are orchestrating a virtual art fair

How change brings opportunity to learn and pivot to the Mint Virtual Art Fair.

Mint’s spring wish list – art supplies and so much more

    [space_20]      We wish for a meaningful and beautiful summer. And with this summer wish list, you could help us achieve it for Mint Artists Guild and our Lucky 13 artists.       The Lucky 13 will work for us creating paintings for our Paint Detroit with Generosity initiative as well as prints and our first …

Why we are doubling up on creative youth this year

Mint’s spring fundraiser will support our Lucky 13 aspiring artists and so much more goodness.

Mint’s successes and miracles: A yearend letter from our director

Dear friends of Mint, Mint Artists Guild is finishing a year of successes and firsts. We are proud of these – and we see how many more opportunities and challenges we could tackle in 2020 and 2021, with your support and donations from individuals, businesses and foundations. Some of our successes have names: Seyi, a photographer, learned to paint with …

Holiday cards: back story and today’s beauties

  Credit or blame Sir Henry Cole for the tradition of sending holiday cards to family or friends. The man who would go on to become the first leader of the Victoria and Albert Museum created what the Smithsonian magazine says is the first Christmas card in 1840. That’s when he realized he did not have enough time to send …

Art for all: Make more Mint crafts and coloring pages

Mint Artists Guild believes in crafts – and we offer them to children in Detroit regularly. Seven times this summer, we hosted a free arts and crafts activities for families and individuals in Palmer Park, with support from the Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency and individual donors. We set up right outside the Mint Studios and children showed up in …