Five ways to make more time for your creative work

  Some weeks fly by and at the end of them, we wonder why we never took time to sketch, to paint, to write or edit a poem.   Tests and college admissions essays, volunteer work and family commitments distract us from our creative work.   Bosses ask us to work an extra day on the weekend, the day we …

Meet Mint Artists jeweler and board member Trinity

Trinity Brown learned wire wrapping herself while on a break from dancing, following tips on a YouTube video.  She had had surgery on her back for scoliosis. She started doing shows at 13 and soon joined Mint, the youngest artist to start in our Learn and Earn program.   She is a senior at University High School Academy in Southfield, …

Creating connections and more sales: Valuable add ons for emerging artists

    Artists need more than paint and canvas to make an exceptional impression when they hand over their art to a buyer. A business card won’t do it, and bubble wrap or a protective sleeve is just an appetizer for really showing you care for your art and your art collectors.  That said, really beautiful wrapping of your art …

Meet Mint’s new marketing intern Journey

She smiles and creates videos and digital art. Learn more about our new marketing intern.

Holiday cards: back story and today’s beauties

  Credit or blame Sir Henry Cole for the tradition of sending holiday cards to family or friends. The man who would go on to become the first leader of the Victoria and Albert Museum created what the Smithsonian magazine says is the first Christmas card in 1840. That’s when he realized he did not have enough time to send …

Artists, connect with collectors with these thoughtful tips

The Detroit Collects exhibit at the DIA features work by many African American artists, including the colorful suit by Nick Cave. (Photo: DIA)

Artists, follow these smart tips on creating stronger connections to art collectors.

How we are going to win a window on Woodward in 2020, with one minute of your help

We really want to win a competition to be featured in a window on Woodward, so please, please take one minute to vote for us!

Summer job with an art teacher

Ms. Jackie created more art – and better art from our youth – this summer, as she coached Mint’s Creative Summer Jobs team.

Quotable: artist Adwoa Muwzea

Learn a little about residual income for artists.

Smart advice on writing an artists statement

Introduce yourself and your work; great advice on artist statements from artist and curator Judy Sledge.