Mint guide: Steps to prepare for a commission

Mint’s new guide helps emerging artists prepare for a commission.

Meet the rest of the 2021 winners and celebrate Imagination and Unity

They believe in the power of imagination – and in Detroit’s beauty and unity. Their art and poetry celebrates all that – and gives us something to think about. This year’s winners of the Metro Detroit Youth Arts Competition are just as diverse as the 2020 winners. But many were drawn to the new theme “Just my imagination … running …

Creative sister and brother are Metro Detroit Youth Arts Competition 2021 winners

Arise and Temple Rock are siblings and encourage each other’s creativity. They both won Mint’s Metro Detroit Youth Arts Competition in 2021.

Plein air painting tips and tricks

Artists creating art in the park with youth

Painting outdoors – or en plein air painting – started 200 years ago with groups of French and English artists. Artist John Constable’s paintings View on the Stour (1819) and The Hay Wain (1821) were created outdoors and won gold medals at the prestigious Salon in Paris. Impressionists Claude Monet and Camille Pissarro captured light and modern life by painting al …

Join us in August – a very art-filled month

Join Mint at two very artsy events in August, including a garden party fundraiser hosted by artist / arts patron Ellen Stone, whose painting is shown.

Better than Pinterest: Creative summer arts or craft activities and places in Detroit

Visit Mint in three parks this summer, or head to many other places, in person or online, for your creative child and family fun.

Six ways to plan for artists’ care during an art fair

Mint Artists Guild is going to the art fairs again this year – starting with Palmer Park Art Fair this weekend. We will set up at the Belle Isle Art Fair in early August, the Funky Ferndale Art Fair in September and some pop up art events in between. We spend a lot of timing getting ready for these fairs, …

Help Mint with our creativity, community, youth jobs and growth this year

Group of Mint Artists working during the pandemic at our outdoors studio

Mint Artists Guild is on a mission – make that two missions. One serves creative youth and children in Detroit, creating opportunities and launching careers, teaching business skills and more. The second creates more room for art in Detroit, with donated art and art exhibits, Free Art Fridays, free arts and crafts and our growing Art in Windows initiative. Our …

Mint’s big wish list for 2021

UPDATED SEPT. 15 Mint is planning for a big, beautiful year, and we hired 20 youth over the summer, and offered  working with us and So our wish list for this year is big and beautiful too. It includes art supplies used up for the Mint Creative Summer Jobs program, craft supplies for our arts and crafts and and some …

The big, beautiful value of our volunteers – and volunteering

Volunteering makes the nonprofit world go around. Its value and impact may be measured in dollars, creative activities – and lives changed. Mint Artists Guild relies on volunteers to allow our small but mighty nonprofit grow many many opportunities for creative youth and children. During National Volunteer Week, we sing the praise of our volunteers. Two volunteers helped us create …