Create art and community in Detroit

Spring and summer are wonderful times to create more art, and connect with artists and gallery directors. They also are great times to connect with artists and learn from them. We want to share some free and almost free ways to make more art and build new connections in Detroit. Plein air painting groups. Several groups meet in parks and …

Six ways to plan for artists’ care during an art fair

Mint Artists Guild is going to the art fairs again this year – starting with Palmer Park Art Fair this weekend. We will set up at the Belle Isle Art Fair in early August, the Funky Ferndale Art Fair in September and some pop up art events in between. We spend a lot of timing getting ready for these fairs, …

Good places to find wisdom and answers during these dark uncertain days

Seeking answers to your questions? We recommend some resources.

From justice to automakers to essential workers, Youth Arts Competition winners are diverse and creative

Mint has chosen eleven winners in our first Metro Detroit Youth Arts Competition. They are a diverse group, from kindergarden to college and from black and white photo to beautiful paintings.

Why Will Langford believes in our new Youth Arts Competition

[space_20] When we leap into something new and big, it helps to bring along an optimist and a make-magic-happen person like Will Langford. Known as Will The Poet, he has a history of helping Mint and our young artists. And he also served as the voice of Michigan State University’s “Empower Extraordinary” campaign. He will use his positive energies and …

Knit, sew, sing: Creativity in Complicated Times, pt 3

Focus on learning something new – like knitting. Or create a first resume. Our new ideas for Creativity in Complicated Times are here.

Fly into creative activities during coronavirus shutdowns

Make this time off of school or collage a gift of time. Get started on these creative projects today!

We are creating a beautiful partnership with Arts & Scraps

We are excited about the art supplies, youth jobs and creative activities at a three-month pop up with Arts & Scraps.

Success! De’Shaia lands in pro shows with Mint

De’Shaia Ventour, a senior at Cass Tech, started making more elaborate duct tape painting after she joined Mint and sold her work at the Palmer Park Art Fair and other Mint events.  She still creates beautiful duct tape flower pens and wallets, but her work has gotten bigger, more elaborate and in more venues. Her duct tape painting Black Roses …

Grabbing opportunities and reusing your work: Sophie Grillet’s smart advice

Seize opportunities and be reliable, Ann Arbor artist Sophie Grillet said in a visit to the Mint Studios.