We keep growing, and serving and giving creative opportunities to Detroit children, youth and adults.
Mint Artists Guild’s growth in 2022 has been as big and beautiful as the gardens that flourish nearby Detroit neighborhoods of Palmer Woods and Sherwood Forest. We worked together on art and arts and crafts in all kinds of weather and in many Detroit neighborhoods – East Side, West Side, downtown and beyond.
We are blooming with creativity and generosity, as you will read in this year’s Success by the numbers report.
$32,015 – money earned by Mint Artists and interns in our Creative Summer Jobs program, thanks to Grow Detroit’s Young Talent, the Wolverine Pathways, the Urban Alliance and individual donors. That’s almost 75 percent more than in 2021.
$5,000 – our first grant for technology tools, specifically for digital art making and our marketing interns, from CultureSource and the Gilbert Family Foundation.
$2,100 – amount of money one artist earned by selling her art at a fine art fair in the Mint tent this year, which we believe is a record number.
1,329 – children who received free Mint coloring pages or free arts and crafts in Detroit. This was our first year of downtown Detroit arts and crafts, at the Monroe Street Midway. And the total does not count hundreds of others who accepted free coloring pages in Ann Arbor, Ferndale and elsewhere this year.

77– volunteers who have given their time and talents to Mint Artists Guild on a wide variety of projects and art fairs and more.
27 – Paint Detroit with Generosity paintings that Mint will gift to the same number of local nonprofits, up from 23 in 2021. They are on display at the Michigan State University – Detroit Center through mid-January. Among them is this piece that anyone can nominate a nonprofit to receive.

7 – Minterns who worked for Mint this year, double the number in 2021. We partnered with the Urban Alliance for the first time.
3 – A record number of field trips for our artists and interns over the summer. We visited the Detroit Institute of Arts and learned about internships and jobs at the museum; took private art tour of Huntington Place and saw the LeRoy Foster exhibit at the Kayrod Gallery.
2 – Original Mint exhibits offered this fall and winter, the first one called Creating Justice and Joy, and the second our annual Paint Detroit with Generosity exhibit. Most years, we stage just one.
1 – Creative Calm art therapy session offered free to Detroit area youth, with plenty more coming in 2023, thanks to The Skillman Foundation wellness grant. It’s our first time in art therapy, and we hope it will not be our last.

If you are impressed with this showing by a tiny nonprofit, with one half-time year-round staff, we invite you to give a yearend gift. Your generosity helps Mint Artists Guild bloom again in 2023,
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