
Judy Bowman believes in setting one big goal – and using that to guide your choices.

Hers  is to create a good body of work, professional presented. “Leave a legacy for my children” as an artist and a person who pursued her passions, she said.

She is pursuing hers intently now after retiring from a 30 year career as a teacher and high school principal. Bowman creates beautiful collage pieces – usually people in happy or everyday moments – and then limited edition giclee prints that sell for hundreds of dollars.  Though she just restarted her art career a few years ago, she’s already represented by Jo’s Gallery in Detroit and appeared in many exhibits, the Essence Festival, Bombay Saphire  and at the Belle Isle Art Fair.  She’s also a regular and amazing supporter of Mint Artists Guild.

“I hear of an opportunity, take a deep breath and say ‘let’s try it.’ It’s stepping out there. Just go for it,” Bowman says.

She believes that artists must “be watchful for opportunities. Be ready to take advantage of them.”

And allow people to help you. Many people have helped her with her career, in part because of her open and friendly approach

Happy Hour mixed media collage by Judy Bowman. © Judy Bowman

When I showed up at an Artist2Artist talk, Judy and I hit it off. We talked about art and artists selling their work. And I told her and the other artists there that night about the debut of the Belle Isle Art Fair.  Judy Bowman followed, showed up – and sold a lot of work.

“Be very receptive,” of people and opportunities, she said, and jump on those that are stepping stones toward your big goal.

(Photo: © Charlene Uresy, used with permission)

Article copyright © 2016 Vickie Elmer, updated 2020

Smart & beautiful insights, advice in pricing artists work

Dorothy Jett-Carter creates beautiful bags and purses from vintage African cloth. Her creative work is sold at the Detroit Institute of Arts gift shop, at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History shop and in galleries and art fairs. She also has experience selling creative work to department stores. And in all those places, she strives for consistent …